Project Team: Jonathan Louie and Nicole McIntosh with Andrew G. Atwood, Oscar Garza Reza, Ryan Garza, Nari Kim, and Julia Valisyev
Structural Engineer: Roel van de Straat, ARUP
Audio Design: Paul Chavez, ARUP
Fabrication: Automated Fabrication Lab at Texas A&M, Michael Gayk, David Goltz, Shane Bugni, Logan Froebel and Will DiNisco
8 Weeks
seoul biennale
“The installation for the 2021 Seoul Biennale for Architecture and Urbanism questions if ‘Swiss’ architecture can be understood as just the formal character of specific alpine building elements. Fabricating Swissness is a four-sided aluminium scaffold structure measuring 2m x 2m x 3.6m that illustrates the notion of “Swissness” and the Swiss chalet style in New Glarus, Wisconsin through vernacular imagery, audio, and memorabilia.”
-Architecture_Office, 2021
Photography By Brian Griffin